Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What Turmoil

Hello once again,
It's been a roller coaster week for many of us who have been actively involved in investing our hard earned money to grow our retirement funds. The markets have been crazy with so much bad news filtering from US that it can almost drown out any other minor good news (like how our Singapore girl won the first gold medal at the Paralympics meet).

Ya, its sad how greed can put the whole world into such a paralysis with so much fortunes being shaken & turned topsy turvy recently. I worried for the layman on the streets, those who are affected with job displacement,retrenchments, rising inflation etc and now having to deal with losses of money invested in some "well known" investment houses.So, there is never any guarantee now of your money even as it's invested in "super solid" mini bonds that pays guaranteed interest rates (the capital invested thro' DBS under the Lehman brothers will probably be down the drain).

So, should we all be contented to earn our daily living, live frugally and just watch our savings depreciate with the soaring inflation or should we still continue to invest wisely (which can be extremely difficult in today's environment)?

Nevertheless, I feel that we should still look on the brighter side of things for if a young girl suffering from her disabilities can overcome all the odds to win a gold medal in swimming, it proves to us that there is hope in life if we are determined to work hard and strive for what we believe in.. Be greedy for the right things, like aspiring to be a good role model as a child, spouse, parent or whatever profession you may choose to be.

Hope that the financial market will stabilise somewhat soon and that not many people will suffer the recent fallout and come out of it the stronger and braver.

Cheers for now..

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