Thursday, May 17, 2007

Did u enjoy your long flight

Hi, Grace,
Hope your trip was like the sea. Smooth as breeze tho' am sure it will be a bit uncomfortable with such a long flight. U will probably be a walking dishelveled zombie when u arrived in US. As long as u are not dressed shabbily, u should not have too much trouble with the immigration.
Dont forget to MSN mom when u are there. Most times, I put myself busy on MSN but actually around in the mornings. Guess I need to change my schedule to night when u are in US now. So, take care & be good
It's kind of funny when u realise that u want to peep into Grace's room & thought she will be sleeping there when I know that she's away. Guess it will take me a while to get used to this new schedule.
Life's the same here & I should feel blessed that all's well & healthy. The recent deaths of the mother & teacher (was it?) who died under the wrath of a fallen tree made me rethink again that life is fragile. We never know when it's time to go. It's our Maker's decision so we can all go in very unusual & sudden circumstances. So, do good & accummulate merits. Actually, being schooled in a Catholic organization in my early years, I've always believed in God. Nevertheless, I always adopt a open attitude as far as religion is concerned. Recently, I read some books on buddhism & their teachings are actually quite applicable & relevant to our daily lives. It teaches us to be tolerant to all religions & that no religious persons should threaten another that they will not find heaven if they do not adhere to a certain religion. In fact, heaven & hell is a state of mind & we develop this from our own experiences. So, it's all controlled by yourself. However, it's also very important for us to gather good karma by doing merits at all times. Small or big, merits do accummulate & it's never late to extend a helping hand, a listening ear, a small gift, a hug etc just to show your care & concern.
So, my motto is still be good to all & don't speak evil of others. Be empathic to others' situations & understand their plight or circumstances.
All u out there, will u be nice to your "enemies" today? Buy them lunch, have a nice word for them, stop backstabbing friends, enquire about their well being etc.
Have a great day to all.
Grace - Lots of luv from all here in Singapore.

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